An Unreal effect that also teleports a character! Walkthrough of blueprints starts at 30 seconds
Teleport Niagara Effect
Two emitters make the swirling lines
A third emitter makes the curtain (more work planned)
A material function was made in order to dissolve the character mesh
Material function is influenced by the object that the emitters are connected to
Reference telepads and teleport character when active
An Unreal Material using various techniques to create a unique appearance. Walkthrough of blueprints begins at 50 seconds
Dot product compares the pixel normal vectors and the camera vector then inverts it to influence light emission and opacity, creating a halo effect
A tangent creates the secondary bubble within the material
A water texture and a wood texture are being panned in opposite directions with a few other effects mingled in to influence speed and other factors in the appearance. This makes it wobbly looking and creates a subtle disruption down the material